Saturday, May 16, 2009

30 day makeover, day 2

I found out that it's not a 4 day countdown as much as a warm up, so Thursday was day 1, Friday was day 2, &c.

Day 2, - May 15

Breakfast: 1/3 yucky Clementine.
Began 200 sit ups. Max: 18
Lunch: Mayo, avocado, cucumber, tomato, & pickle sandwich on whole wheat. Surprisingly very yummy. I may have to eat those often.
Snack: 5 Doritos?
Dinner: ??? Did I have dinner?? For some reason, I don't think so.

Beauty tips to try:
Egg white facial
quarter of Shampoo, dime of conditioner. (we'll see).

Friday, May 15, 2009

30 Total Health Makeover

My mom's had this book for ages, so I decided to give it a try. It's a 30 day total health makeover, obviously, and... yeah. It starts with a 4 day countdown, which I started yesterday, so that the real thing starts on Monday. I'm keeping a log of.. stuff. And I'm going to blog about it. The rule for the 4 day countdown is simple: No dairy, no sugar, no red meat, no alcohol. Man, that last one is a toughie.

Day -4, May 14:
Breakfast: OJ, Strawberry, & banana smoothie. Yummy. Feel full and satisfied.
Lunch: Tuna, mayo, pickle, lettuce sandwich on wheat bread.
Dinner: Spaghetti (wow, that is the weirdest word ever...) with no meatballs, salad with italian dressing, lemonade.
Went to movies for midnight showing of Angels and Demons. Ate: Ritz Bitz cheese sandwiches, Vanilla Coke. BAD.

I also started the 200 sit ups thing yesterday. I did 30 for my initial test. I probably could have done more, but oh well. At least I'm doing some, right?