Sunday, February 6, 2011


I used to complain about feeling like just a pair of eyes.

I hated feeling like I was just watching stuff happen, not doing anything of my own, just watching other people's lives happen while mine seemed to be on standby.

(of course, that was last summer, but that's neither here nor there)

But I realized today that actually, being a pair of eyes is pretty enlightening. When you look for it, there's actually a lot going on.
Sometimes people think that we can't see what's up, and maybe that's true for some people.
But I've been using my eyes a long time, and I know what I see when I see it.
Of course, this does lead to trouble on occasion, as I have been known to make comments and things that OTHER people don't understand because they don't use their eyes.
Which is actually kind of funny, now that I think about it.

Aaaaannnd now I'm rambling. What?


s h a n n o n said...

i love you.

Ingrid said...

If you have to be "just" a pair of eyes, you have got THE eyes to be it with!