Monday, April 18, 2011

"Now that it's over...

...I don't know what to do with the rest of my life." --Inigo Montoya

Two all-nighters, 3 printed manuscripts, 86 pages, and 24,573 words later, I have finished the first draft of the Our Story novella.

I never thought I would say this, but I'm sorry to see it end. Maybe because I never actually believed I would finish it.... Who knows.

But I'm really wondering what to do with the rest of my time. I suppose I do have several essays that need writing, and some of them are pretty long... Well, I say "pretty long," but I've just written 86 pages.

Maybe I'll catch up on sleep with all of this extra time...

1 comment:

s h a n n o n said...

This is how I feel now that finals are over. I tried to catch up on sleep but I could only take a fifteen minute nap. Maybe I'll read a book. Maybe I can read your book...