Saturday, February 27, 2010

Boy Scout Sandwich: Perfected

I love food. And I have recently perfected the Boy Scout Sandwich. (some amateurs may call this "egg in a basket," but that is wrong.) This is how you make The Perfect Boy Scout Sandwich:

First, get out two pieces of bread. Punch the holes in the middle, and then put butter on both sides.

Then scramble an egg in a bowl. You can add some cheese if you like. I did. It was tasty.

Then you grill it up all nice. Be sure to save half of the egg/cheese mixture for the second piece of bread.

I made some hot chocolate to go along with it, because hot chocolate is delicious.

Tada!! All done. It was muy delicioso, if I do say so myself.


Nadine said...

You are so clever! Although I don't think an egg can reach its full potential if the yolk isn't runny, personally. :-)

Emma Sorensen said...

At first I thought the hot Coco was coffee. How come your hot chocolate look WAY yummier than any thing i have ever seen?????? YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!