Sunday, August 29, 2010

Awesome names/places...

...of people and places I called while working at EWI over the summer:

  • Watsonville
  • Vulcan Ave.
  • Pinto Rd. - because when you combine Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine's last names, you get Pinto
  • Pinto Ct.
  • Excelsior Springs Ct. - the name of Sulu's first starship is the Excelsior
  • Leonardtown
  • John Holmes
  • Amber Circle - I should move there
  • Art Koenig - Walter Koenig played Chekov in the Original Series
  • "Reginald Wade, the Lord of Death" - someone's answering machine
  • onenationundergod@hotmail.dom - I want to find this man and give him a hug.
  • "We are not aWailable right now" - Chekov again, since he can't pronounce his Vs
  • Gimli Brown - Yep, someone is named Gimli. That. Is. AWESOME.

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