Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Shift in the Stars

I wrote this last hour, now I'm posting it:

It's ten o'clock on a Tuesday, which means I don't have a math class today. So I'm going to do an update blog, since I haven't really written about school yet.

First of all, I'm rather proud of the fact that I've paid for mostly everything myself, including the microwave when ours broke down. Speaking of which, Keith now owes me $52. I should call him later to make sure he got my receipt and letter and is actually planning to do something about it. He's a slow landlord.

School... Well, I guess I'll just go down the list.

Piano is easy. My professor, Dr. Bohnenstengel, is very German. And very boyish. He just slouches around with this funny smile, and chews gum all the time. He's one of those people who make me happy just to see them walking down the street.

Spanish is pretty easy too. But trying to fix everything -- well, my horrible shyness -- is an odd process. I hadn't realized how shy I'd become until I looked back on my middle school Spanish classes, and how un-shy I was then. I'm trying though. Oh, and my professor is from Spain. Her name is Olga Godoy. She's funny.

Math -- It's weird. It's not math yet, so much as logic. But for whatever reason, I actually understand it (I think some stars may have shifted somewhere a zillion years ago, but more on that later). My professor's name is Sarah Brown. Isn't that the plainest, most ordinary name you've ever heard? She's in a wheelchair, a nifty little motorized thing. She can't use the chalkboard well, but she uses PowerPoints and this fancy little writing thing to do lectures. It's pretty awesome.

CSIS... It's a computer class. General Ed. stuff. Bah. It's teaching us how to use Microsoft Office 2007 on a Windows computer. That's all well and good, except I have a Mac with Office 2008. So how exactly is this helpful? I guess Dad said it well enough: I'm an English major, so I have to write a lot. I might as well learn the program as well as I can.

Choir. Ugh! Where do I start?! I was SUPPOSED to be in Concert Choir, like last year. But, due to a severely unbalanced ratio of women:men, and an excess of funding (never thought I'd complain about that), all the non-music major women have been shunted off into a very small woman's choir, with Professor Jackie Jackson (har har). But, she did resurrect my Soprano II status, so I'm going to reserve judgment on her for now. But I am really missing the tenors and basses. *sniffle*

Creative Writing. It's nice to finally be taking this class. I wanted to last semester, and my music major-ness prevented it. But NOW... Ha ha! My teacher is Dr. PetersEn (note the Danish and therefore more awesome spelling -- his words, not mine. Although I do agree). My only complaint is that the syllabus and everything, calendar, etc, are all online. Which in my opinion is a bit lazy on his part. But that might just be me. He says his students have loved it in the past.

Yoga. My instructor is awesome! I think that's a a requirement for being a yoga instructor. Either that, or it's an occupational hazard. Warning: By taking this job, you may become exponentially more AWESOME. Something like that. She reminds me a lot of Francine Miller. Big surprise, right? I love yoga. I love the -- everything. I love the concept of namaste and I love that we say it at the end of every class, just like you're supposed to do. Like Sir Didymous, from Labyrinth: "If that is the way it is done then that is the way you must do it."

K, the girls sitting behind me are talking about Gossip Girl. Seriously?? Get a life!! At least watch something that requires a little bit of brain power. Or, you know, something like LOST, which stretches your brain to the breaking point. It's kind of insane.

Oh, about my star theory. It feels like, a zillion years ago, some stars were shifted to reflect a more holy, peaceful, serene order. And now, a zillion years later, the repercussions of that event have reached me. It feels like a conflict has suddenly ended, but I didn't know there even was a conflict until it was over. It feels like something has fallen into place, but I didn't know it was out of place before. And I can't figure out exactly what it is, only that it's better now.

Now, it's 10:35, and I'm out of things to say. So, until next time, adios!


Ingrid said...

OK wow, you and your star theory. Publish THAT in your creative writing class. You amaze me.

Thanks for the updates about school and all. Enjoy Soprano II, and so sorry about missing the tenors and basses. For a "why would I date?" kind of girl, I am relieved to know you do miss the tenors and basses. (And now you'll probably tell me that you miss the sound of them in the choir, not actually THEM, and then I will go, "Duh, what was I thinking?" and be embarrassed, and we just might end up having to delete this whole comment!

Amber Jane said...

Actually, mom, you're right on both counts about the tenors and basses. I liked those guys. When they weren't being infuriatingly annoying, they were fun to be around. And I do miss their singing too. Women are nice and all, but it just doesn't compare..